
Red Sea University had a productive meeting with representatives from the Security and Justice Agencies of the Bari region

Red Sea University had a productive meeting on April 24, 2024, with representatives from the Security and Justice Agencies of the Bari region. The meeting’s agenda was to introduce the newly established Red Sea University’s Legal Aid Clinic Center to the legal agencies in Bari Region. During the session, the president of the university, Prof. Abdullahi Sh Hassan expressed gratitude to all the attendees and emphasized the significance of the Clinic in offering legal aid to the vulnerable community members such as the juveniles, internally displaced people (IDPs), and refugees.

After brief presentation by the director of the Clinic Avv. Abdirahman Mumin Salah on the objectives of the clinic and the services it will offer to the community, the Vice-president for the Academic Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Said presented the plan to inaugurate the Legal Aid Clinic Center at the University and invited all attendees to the event.

The center would provide free access to justice to the vulnerable individualism the community and provides services such as legal representation, legal consultancy, and advocacy. The clinic aims to promote inclusivity while adhering to the laws.

The discussion revolved around the clinic’s objectives, vision, and mission. During the discussion, the topic revolved around the definition of justice and fairness according to Islamic jurisprudence. Additionally, it was clarified that the clinic was launched after a needs assessment process, ensuring that it meets the community’s requirements and, therefore, increases its effectiveness in addressing legal disparities.
The participants from the security and justice departments praised the initiative and pledged to lend support and collaboration to the clinic’s goal of enhancing justice access.