Red Sea University had a productive meeting with representatives from the Security and Justice Agencies of the Bari region
Red Sea University had a productive meeting on April 24, 2024, with representatives from the Security and Justice Agencies of the Bari region. The meeting’s agenda was to introduce the newly established Red Sea University’s Legal Aid Clinic Center to the legal agencies in Bari Region. During the session, the president of the university, Prof. Abdullahi Sh Hassan expressed gratitude to all the attendees and emphasized the significance of the Clinic in offering legal aid to the vulnerable community members such as the juveniles, internally displaced people (IDPs), and refugees.

Inauguration Ceremony of the Legal Aid Center of Red Sea University
A ceremony to formally launch the Red Sea University Legal Aid Clinic Center (RSU LACC) was held on April 30, 2024, at Red Sea University.
The UN and other international organizations, as well as the government authorities responsible for justice, judicial, administration and security in Bari region, attended the inauguration event. The chief of the Bari region Appeal Court, the mayor of Bossaso, the Bari Regional Prosecutor, the judges in first instance court in Bosaso, the Bari Regional Commander of the C.I.D, the Bari regional coordinators of the ministries of women and justice in Bari region, and the representative from the human rights protection office were among the guests. CARE International, WFP, and IOM were represented. Other attendees included representatives from local organizations like Tadamun, PSA, and Kaalo Aid and Development Center. Leaders from the IDP and refugee communities were also present.
The Red Sea University Faculty of Shariah and Law proposed the idea for this center, reasoning that it is essential to establish a legal aid center that offers representation, support, and legal aid to the most vulnerable members of society. The University President formally established the center after it received complete permission from the Ministry of Justice, Religious Affairs, Constitution, and Rehabilitation of Puntland.
Warm and secure welcomes have been extended to the Red Sea University Legal Aid Center by the Puntland government’s justice officials of Bari Region, with whom the center has already had an introductory meeting. The center will provide legal assistance and safety for the vulnerable members of the community.
The center will focus on
1. Legal aid and representation of the most vulnerable community.
2. Awareness raising on legal matters.
3. Educating and empowering recent graduates and law graduates,
4. Launching research studies on legal rights of marginalized groups, criminal codes and crimes that happen in the most vulnerable communities.
5. Advocating for the rights of children, juveniles and women.
This center will work closely with the justice and security authorities of the Puntland. The government officials, UN, international and local NGO’s concurred that the timing of this endeavor and the opening of this facility is ideal for significantly meeting the legal needs of the society’s most disadvantaged members. Additionally, they pledged to collaborate closely and openly with this facility, which is in need of numerous activities. They urged the center to carry out large-scale, effective work.
The leaders of Bosaso’s IDPs and refugee population said that the center will serve their community’s legal needs, expressed their happiness with the effort, and praised the university for establishing it.
Red Sea University’s President and the Director of the Legal Aid Clinic Center both declared that the university is dedicated to providing effective, open, and humanitarian community service.
The senior administration of Red Sea University concluded by expressing gratitude to all of the attendees at the inauguration ceremony as well as the government officials, the UN, international organizations, local NGOs, and the communities of displaced and refugees.