RSU city Campus

RSU City Campus  is a private collage which offers intermediate diploma as well as short courses and training programs with different sectors. The collage is part from Red Sea University Bosaso.RSU City Campus was founded 2014, when professors from Red Sea University assessed the education gaps of young students who has needs to improve their language Proficiency and scientific courses. Later the college expanded to be center for short courses, diploma programs and vocational training where the collage trained large number of young generations and later become backbone in the society. RSU City Campus is established to enhance education and academic excellence and holistic grooming of students. The college got good reputation and graduated well educated and trained students who played important role in the society.


To become academically the best collage in Somalia, strengthen the knowledge, strive to build student capabilities and transform their lives.


– To provide quality education and standard programs

– To promote community development and satisfy need education and skills.

– To be a centre for innovation and knowledge by promote research.


– To promote standardized higher education.

– To provide quality training and skills development for the generations

– To accentuate human resource development program and community empowering.

– To promote values, culture, norms and beliefs of the community.